DY06 | MM - How to Fund Your dYdX Account Using Metamask

Please ensure that you have followed the previous steps in our master guide for connecting FinRev with dYdX before completing this step.

DY02 | MM - How to Connect dYdX to FinRev Using Metamask Wallet

This guide will walk you through the steps of funding your dYdX account via your Metamask wallet.

Important Note for US & UK users: Please ensure you have activated your VPN & set the location to Sydney, Australia prior to logging onto the dYdX website.

If you're viewing this guide to complete your onboarding to FinRev, this is Guide # 6 from our Master Guide. Please return to the Master Guide linked below once all steps are completed to work through the remainder of the steps.

DY02 | MM - How to Connect dYdX to FinRev Using Metamask Wallet

  1. Once you've logged onto dydx.trade, Click on 'Deposit' in the top right hand side of your screen

  1. Ensure 'Source' is set as 'Ethereum'
  2. Set 'Asset' as 'USDC'
  3. Either enter the amount you wish to deposit, or click on 'Max'

  1. Click on 'Deposit funds'

  1. Click on 'Next' (do not change any of the values)

  1. Click on 'Approve'

  1. Click on 'Confirm'

  1. Once the transaction has completed, click on 'Close extension'. This may take several minutes to complete.

You should now see a screen that says 'Deposit in progress'

Please note that this can take up to one hour to complete. You can track the progress of the deposit by clicking on 'Show details'

Once the deposit is complete, you will see green ticks next to each step. You can now click anywhere on the screen to remove the popup box.

You can check that your deposit has been successful by viewing the balance under the 'Cross Free Collateral' section. If this has not been updated, try refreshing the page.

If you're viewing this guide to complete your onboarding to FinRev, this is Guide # 6 from our Master Guide. Please return to the Master Guide linked below once all steps are completed to work through the remainder of the steps.

DY02 | MM - How to Connect dYdX to FinRev Using Metamask Wallet

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