BG01 - Bitget sub-account setup & funding

Please follow the steps below to set up your Bitget account, sub-account and get it funded.

Creating your new account on Bitget

  1. Head over to
  2. Click on the sign up button

  1. Use your email to sign up rather than using your mobile number
  2. After clicking on 'Create Account' you will need to verify

  1. Check the terms of use box and sign up

  1. Once the account is created, on the next page you will see the Profile icon on the top right.

  1. Click on your Profile > Security Settings:

  1. Click on “Settings” under Google Authenticator to set up your 2FA:

  1. Scan the QR code to create a new 2FA on the App on your phone.
  2. Enter the 2FA generated by the app and enter it to verify. You will need to Click on the SEND button to send the email to yourself.
  3. While in Security Settings, under Advanced Security Settings, set up a 'Fund Code' by clicking the Settings button and then creating a password for the Fund Code.
  4. Save the password in a safe place. You will need this code when withdrawing funds.

Setting up a Sub-account

  1. Go back to Profile > Dashboard and click on Sub-account or use the link on the Left menu.
  2. Click on the “Create sub-account” button on the Right.

  1. “Use Virtual Email”, add a Username (FinRev) and Verify.

  1. Go through the verification process. Click on the ‘Get it Now’ or ‘Send’ link to send an email to yourself with the verification code. 

Funding Your Bitget Account

The key steps are as follows: 

  1. Buy cryptocurrency (e.g. USDT) with FIAT currency (i.e. USD, AUD, CAD etc). If your futures exchange does not offer this facility, buy crypto with a Fiat exchange first, such as Coinbase, Binance, Coinspot, Kraken, etc...

    [Note: some exchanges offer Fiat facilities to some countries but not others. You will need to check what's available in your location].

  2. Swap/Trade your cryptocurrency for USDT (applicable if you've purchased or already own anything other than USDT, e.g. BTC, ETH, USD, AUD, etc..)

  3. Send your USDT to Bitget (this only applies if you purchased on a different Fiat exchange)

IMPORTANT: when sending cryptocurrency, you need to select a Network which is available on both exchanges. For USDT, the lowest fees will be on the TRC20 network. If you are using Coinbase, you will need to use ERC20.

Sending Funds To Bitget

  1. Go to your profile>dashboard
  2. Click 'Deposit'

3. Transfer to Account > Spot

4. Send to this Deposit address from your funding exchange using the same chain link/network for both. Use ERC20 if sending from Coinbase.

NOTE: If you send any crypto other USDT, you can convert it on Bitget

  1. Click on Trade in the top menu.

  1. Go to Convert.

  1. Click on the top coin and choose the coin you have. In this example, we are using BTC.
  2. On the bottom, select USDT.
  3. Enter the amount you wish to convert or click on the MAX link.
  4. Click Preview and check that the transaction is correct. 

Funding Your Bitget Sub-Account

1. While in your Main Account > Dashboard, check to see if your funds have arrived. Convert to USDT if your funds are in another crypto as above.

2. When the funds are in your Spot Account in the Main account, Click on Sub-Account on the left menu.

3. This will take you to your Sub-account Click on the Transfer link on the Right.

4. Send funds from the Main Account Spot Account to Your Sub-account and USDT-M Futures

5. Confirm

Note: Please see our guide on connecting Bitget to FinRev via API below:

BG02 - How To Connect/Reconnect Bitget API With FinRev

If you require assistance with any of the steps above, please reach out to our customer support team at: [email protected] and we’ll put you in touch with a coach.

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