Bybit Account Funding

  1. Funding Your Bybit Account

Please see our guide below on sending cryptocurrency from your fiat exchange to Bybit and complete all of the steps required:

How to transfer cryptocurrency from your fiat exchange to Bybit

Once your Bybit account has USDT in it, you can proceed to the next steps.

If you already had funds in Bybit and need to convert them to USDT directly on Bybit, please folow our guide below to complete the process:

How to convert cryptocurrencies to USDT on Bybit

  1. Transferring Funds Into Your Subaccount

As you can only deposit funds directly into your main Bybit account, you will need to transfer them from your main account to subaccount that you are connecting to FinRev.

  1. Hover your mouse over the profile icon and click on 'Subaccount'

  1. Click on 'Transfer Asset' next to the subaccount you are connecting to FinRev

  1. Click on the arrow icon in the middle of the screen as pictured below

  1. Ensure that you are transferring from the main account segment where your funds landed (Funding, Spot, etc..)

  2. Ensure that you are transferring to your FinRev subaccount 'Unified Trading' segment

  3. Select USDT

  4. Enter your amount, or select 'All'

  5. Click 'Confirm Transfer'

You will see the funds show up under 'Equity' under your subaccount.

Note: If you're connecting to FinRev, please click here to view our guide on connecting Bybit to FinRev via API

If you are experiencing difficulties with the steps outlined above, you can contact us at: [email protected]

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