BB04 - How To Connect/Reconnect Bybit API With FinRev

Note: If you are editing API key permissions, or if your API keys have expired, you MUST generate a new API key and connect the new API key to FinRev.

Important: Please DO NOT upgrade your API to 'UTA Pro' when prompted by Bybit. FinRev is currently not compatible with the upgraded API version.

Creating Your API in Bybit

  1. Log into your Bybit account that is connected to FinRev/that you wish to connect to FinRev. You can hover your mouse over the profile icon in the top right of the screen to reveal the menu. Use the 'Account Switch' button to switch to the subaccount that is connected to FinRev.

  1. Once you're logged into the subaccount that is connected to FinRev, hover your mouse over the profile icon in the top right
  2. Click on 'API'

  1. Click on 'Create New Key'

  1. Click on 'Syste Generated Keys'

  1. Use the following settings:
    1. API Key usage: API Transaction
    2. Name for the API Key: Name the API key whatever you like
    3. API Key Permissions: Read-Write | No IP Restriction

  1. Select all permissions except for 'Account Transfer' and 'Subaccount Transfer'
  2. Click 'Submit'

  1. Enter the 2FA code on your subaccount

Note: Be careful not to navigate away from the API Key information that is now displayed on your screen

Connecting Bybit to FinRev

  1. In a separate tab, open
  2. Click on the profile icon in the top right of the screen
  3. Ensure you are logged into the correct FinRev account that you wish to connect to Bybit. If you are not you can click on 'Account Switch' to navigate between accounts.

  1. Once you're logged into the correct FinRev account, click on the profile icon
  2. Click on 'Manage Account'

  1. Click on 'API credentials'

  1. Click on the drop down under 'Exchange'
  2. Select 'Bybit'

  1. Go back to Bybit and copy the 'API Key', then paste it into the 'API key' box on FinRev
  2. Copy the 'API Secret', then paste it in the 'API secret' box on FInRev

  1. Click 'Save' on FinRev. There should be a confirmation message when they have been successfully submitted

  1. Go back to Bybit and click on 'Understood'

NOTE - Your API keys will need to be renewed every 90 days. Failure to renew your API keys will result in your Bybit account & FinRev losing their connection, meaning no positions will be opened or closed from where the connection was lost.

If you have received an email from us advising that your API keys have expired, you MUST follow the guide above to generate a brand new API key.

For more information on renewing your API keys on Bybit, please view our guide 'API - How Do I Update My API Key?'

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