DY01 - How to Connect FinRev to dYdX

We currently have 2 wallet options available to connect your FinRev account to dYdX. Both wallet options have identical performance, however the connection method is slightly different.

If you are from USA or UK, you will need to activate a VPN and set the location to Australia before logging onto the website every time you access it. Failure to do so may result in your wallet being blocked and you needing to create a new wallet address to reconnect to FinRev.

If you are a complete beginner to crypto, do not have an existing Metamask wallet or find the technical part of crypto confusing and overwhelming, please proceed to link your FinRev account using a Coinbase Wallet using our guide below:

DY02 | CB - How to Connect dYdX to FinRev Using Coinbase Wallet

If you have used Metamask wallet before, consider yourself competent with the technical side of crypto wallets or would prefer to avoid Coinbase, please proceed to link your FinRev account using a Metamask Wallet using our guide below:

DY02 | MM - How to Connect dYdX to FinRev Using Metamask Wallet

Important Note: Once you've made your selection and started the onboarding process you must complete the onboarding process with your chosen wallet. You cannot use a mixture of steps from each method or change half way.

If you have any specific questions on either wallets please email us at [email protected]

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