BN02 - How To Connect/Reconnect Binance API With FinRev

Setting Up Your API

  1. Go to your Main Account API Management
  2. UNTICK - Default Security Controls Details

  1. Scroll down the terms and conditions page and click the DEACTIVATE checkbox

  1. Confirm the Risk Warning

  1. Enter your Security Verification

  1. Tick box should be unchecked

  1. Go to your SUB ACCOUNT API and click on Create API

  1. Choose System generated

  1. Select your Subaccount

  1. Label your API

  1. Enter your Security Verification

  1. Click on Modify

  1. Select the following options and click Save

Connecting Binance to FinRev

  1. Copy your API key and Secret key paste it in to the FinRev Account management section
  2. Make Sure Binance Option is selected

  1. Do your Security Verification and click Submit

If you are using BINANCE and DO NOT HAVE A SUBACCOUNT, then the API permissions will look a bit different.

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