MM - How To Withdraw Funds From a Metamask

The following guide demonstrates how to make a withdrawal of USDC from Metamask to Bybit. While the buttons on your exchange may be in different places, or different colours, the principles remain identical to make a withdrawal to alternate exchanges.

The steps remain the same for a withdrawal from a different token. Always ensure that you are selecting the correct Network/Chain or your tokens may be lost.

Important Note: If you are withdrawing more than 25% of your total account value, you may be at risk of your open positions being liquidated. If you wish to make a large withdrawal, it's best to close your current positions before making the withdrawal.

  1. Log into the exchange you want to withdraw your funds to.
  2. Click on 'Deposit'

  1. Select 'USDC'
  2. Select 'ERC20 (ETH Network)'
  3. Click on 'Copy' next to your wallet address

  1. Click on your Metamask browser extension
  2. Ensure you are on the Ethereum network
  3. Click on 'Send'

  1. Paste your wallet address into the box

  1. Select 'USDC'
  2. Click 'Max' or enter the amount you'd like to withdraw
  3. Click 'Next'

  1. Click 'Confirm'

  1. You will see a Pending transaction appear in your Metamask

To confirm your withdrawal has completed:

  • Head back over to your exchange
  • Click on 'Assets'

  • Click on 'Deposit & Withdrawal History'

  • You can check on your withdrawal by cross referencing the token, amount, date & time

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