BG - How To Close All Bitget Positions And Withdraw Your Funds

  1. How To Close All Bitget Positions

  1. Log into your Bitget account at
  2. Go to your Profile icon on the right.
  3. Click on the circle to switch to your Sub-Account

  1. Click on the Sub-Account that is connected to FinRev in the pop-up.

  2. Check that you are now in your Sub-Account

  3. At the top of the page, click on Trade and choose Futures.

  4. At the bottom left of the page, you will see your Open Positions. Give it a few minutes to populate the trades if you cannot see any open positions.

  5. Click on 'Close All Positions'

  1. How To Withdraw Funds From Bitget

  1. Click on Sub-Account on the left menu.
  2. Click on the Transfer link on the Right.

  3. Send funds from the Sub-account/USDT-M Futures to the Main Account/Spot Account
  4. Confirm the transfer
  5. To move your funds out of Bitget, go to Dashboard
  6. Click on the Withdrawal button
  7. Enter the address you wish to move your funds to and complete the process.

If you are experiencing difficulties with the above steps, you can reach out to us at [email protected]

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