BG - How To Close All Bitget Positions And Withdraw Your Funds
How To Close All Bitget Positions
- Log into your Bitget account at
- Go to your Profile icon on the right.
- Click on the circle to switch to your Sub-Account
Click on the Sub-Account that is connected to FinRev in the pop-up.
Check that you are now in your Sub-Account
At the top of the page, click on Trade and choose Futures.
At the bottom left of the page, you will see your Open Positions. Give it a few minutes to populate the trades if you cannot see any open positions.
- Click on 'Close All Positions'
How To Withdraw Funds From Bitget
- Click on Sub-Account on the left menu.
Click on the Transfer link on the Right.
- Send funds from the Sub-account/USDT-M Futures to the Main Account/Spot Account
- Confirm the transfer
- To move your funds out of Bitget, go to Dashboard
- Click on the Withdrawal button
- Enter the address you wish to move your funds to and complete the process.
If you are experiencing difficulties with the above steps, you can reach out to us at [email protected]