AM - Volatility Target Guide

The volatility target on your FinRev account is chosen by you during your onboarding call or during the self-onboarding process.

Volatility targets must be set at a multiple of 5 with a value between 35 and 100.

Below is helpful information on selecting a volatility target:

Selecting a Volatility Target presentation

FinRev Welcome Post

To request a change to your volatility setting, please send your request to [email protected] with the email address that you use to access your main FinRev account, which FinRev account you'd like to update, and the volatility percentage you'd like to change to.

Please note that if you wish to adjust your volatility target to a number above 50, you'll need to confirm the following in your email to us before we can make the changes:

'I confirm that I have read through the 'Selecting a Volatility Target' and 'FinRev Welcome Post' information, and understand the implications and risks associated with setting my volatility target above 50. I am happy to proceed.'

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