DY - How To Withdraw Funds From dYdX If Connected to Coinbase Wallet

Important Note for US & UK users: Please ensure you have activated your VPN & set the location to Sydney, Australia prior to logging onto the dYdX website.

  1. Click on 'Withdraw'

  1. Click on 'Destination'
  2. Select 'Coinbase'
  3. Ensure 'Asset' is set to 'USDC'

  1. Open a new tab and open our Coinbase account
  2. Click on 'Receive crypto'

  1. Search for 'USDC' and click on it

  1. Scroll down and select 'Noble'

  1. Click on the 'copy' icon next to your Noble wallet address

  1. Go back to the tab with your dYdX account open and paste the Noble address in the 'Destination' box

  1. Enter the amount you'd like to withdraw
  2. Click on 'Withdraw'

  1. Click on the 'X' in the top right

  1. You should now see a withdrawal confirmation in the top right

  1. Navigate back to the tab where your Coinbase account is open
  2. Click away from the popup to close it

  1. Click on 'Transactions'

  1. You should see your withdrawal transaction i your Coinbase account

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