BB - How to Convert Cryptocurrencies to USDT on Bybit
If your funds are not in USDT, or you have forgotten to transfer hem in the previous step, you must convert them before transferring. If your funds are already in USDT, you can skip to 'Transferring Funds To Your Subaccount'.
- Select the icon on the far right that says “convert”. Take note of where the fund have landed (Funding, Spot, etc..)
- At the top of the window, ensure that you have selected the segment of your account that your funds have landed in (Funding, Sot, etc..)
Select the coin you have transferred (BTC, ETH, etc..)
- Click on the little orange 'All' on the right, or select an amount to convert if you do not wish to convert the entire amount.
- Select 'Confirm'