HL05 - How to Deposit USDC to Hyperliquid

Important Note for US & UK users: Please ensure you have activated your VPN & set the location to Sydney, Australia prior to logging onto the Hyperliquid website.

  1. Click 'Enable Trading'

  1. Select Stay Connected'
  2. Click 'Establish Connection'

  1. Click 'Confirm'

  1. Ensure 'Arbitrum' is selected
  2. Ensure 'USDC' is selected
  3. Enter the amount you'd like to deposit
  4. Click 'Deposit'

  1. Click 'Confirm'

  1. Once your deposit is confirmed you'll receive a confirmation message

  1. Once your deposit has been completed, click on 'Transfer to Spot'

  1. Type in the amount you'd like to transfer
  2. Click 'Confirm'

  1. Click 'Confirm'

  1. You'll receive a confirmation once the transfer is complete

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